Four friends rape 14-year old girl
How they threatened to kill her
Boys got arrested by the police

Over the week four friends 16-year old John Alade, 18-year old Oladele Habib, 17-year old Femi Olatunji and 18-year old Oyekanmi Rasheed, lured and raped 14-year old Habibat Adeolu (not real names), in Lagos.
According to Punch, the boys have been arrested and are currently under the custody of the police.
Narrating her ordeal, the victim disclosed that one of the guys who raped her Femi is her tailor adding that on that very day of the incident, she went to Femi’s place to have her dress mended when he and his friends took advantage of her.
Habibat verbally expressed: “Femi had once told me he would optate to espouse me and I told him I wasn’t fascinated. That particular day, I had peregrinated to his shop to give him a dress to fine-tune for me. He verbalized Brother Abidoye (I used to run errands for him) was calling me. I got to Brother Abidoye’s room and I didn’t optically discern him. At that point, Femi and his friends entered the room, switched off the light and they ravished me. I endeavored shouting and calling for avail but because they had tied my mouth, I couldn’t shout very well. When they culminated, my private part was paining me. I had to tell my mother what transpired. That was when she alerted the police and the boys were apprehended.”

Verbalizing with the puerile men, who disclosed that they did not ravish the girl but it was a consensual act. The tailor Femi integrated that, he has been dating Habibat for a while now and it was not the first time they would be boffing.

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